A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document, registered with and supervised by the Office of the Public Guardian. This will allow you to appoint one or more people to make decisions for you, or act on your behalf, if you're no longer able, or wish make your own decisions. It is only effective during your lifetime, so cannot replace a Will. There are two types of LPA.
A Health and Welfare LPA lets your attorney make decisions about your medical treatment and day-to-day care. This can include where you live, what medical treatment you receive and who you see. They are only effective if, and to the extent that, you are unable to make those decisions yourself.
A Property and Financial Affairs LPA lets your attorney handle, and make decisions about, your money and property. This can include paying your bills, selling your property and collecting your pension. This can be used at any time once it has been registered.
We can help by advising you, as the person granting the LPA, on what it means and how you can have the most suitable LPA for your specific needs. This will include advice on all aspects of this process we believe you should consider and subjects that should be discussed with your proposed attorneys. We can also advise attorneys on their rights and responsibilities when acting as your attorney.
We aim to build and maintain genuine relationships with clients and be professional and approachable. We are cost effective and offer flexible appointments in the office, at your home, on the telephone or with on-line video-conferencing.
Our senior wills specialist is a solicitor who has over 25 years’ experience in advising on capacity issues, including when family members’ opinions differ and LPAs are invalid and advising on the use of LPAs. He has previously been a professional Deputy appointed by the Court of Protection.
For the quoted fee, we will either meet you to discuss your requirements or receive from you the completed factfind, prepare draft documentation for you, and send it with an explanatory letter to you for approval and either meet with you to sign the LPAs or send them to you at home for signature. We will then arrange for your attorneys to sign, if necessary. If you want us to we will then register the LPAs with the Office of the Public Guardian and, once registered, will store them for you free of charge unless you want to store them elsewhere. Minor amendments to the drafts are included but more significant changes may mean an increased fee depending on the complexity or the associated advice needed. We will provide two certified copies of each LPA.
Read our guides and complete our questionnaire and we will confirm if any additional fees may apply, or to arrange a free and confidential telephone call contact advice@lawcomm.co.uk
LPA Health & Welfare Questionnaire (Instruct us!)
LPA Property & Finance Questionnaire (Instruct us!)
• Who decides on care arrangements?
• Why Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney is a good idea