You will all be aware that this week has brought the announcement of sweeping changes to regulation in our sector.
These are still being clarified but please see a consolidated summary of the key changes below:
To promote clarity, the Government will provide a legal definition of a ‘house’ as part of a forthcoming Bill. In the meantime, it agrees the definition of a house should not include properties that are above or below (horizontally divided) another property or associated structure (e.g. underground car park).
As a member of the CILEx Specialist Reference Committee, we are pleased to be one of a huge range of industry professionals being asked to contribute over the coming months as to what form the proposed new regulator should take.
If you have any clients who you believe may be impacted by these changes or are looking to vary their rent or acquire the freehold to their home, then please ask them to contact our expert, Duncan Horton on 01489 864 123 or