Looking for specialist Independent Legal Advice (ILA) solicitors?

We have been providing expert ILA services on a nationwide basis for a significant number of years.

Written by

Bill Dhariwal

March 16, 2022

Our clients range from company directors seeking ILA services in respect of personal guarantees, commercial loans and debentures to individuals who require ILA services in connection with mortgages, bridging finance, occupiers consent, ID1 forms and gifts or transfers of equity.

We are often recommended by mortgage lenders, mortgage brokers, bridging finance companies, property developers and other solicitors on a regular basis.

The ILA team is headed up by Kelly Pragnell who is an experienced ILA solicitor.  Kelly and her team have successfully dealt with most types of banking, property, bridging, trust, identification and other documents which typically require input from an ILA solicitor.

Bill Dhariwal deals with ILA in respect of Settlement Agreements for commercial, litigation or employment matters and Heather Sterling deals with ILA requirements for Separation Agreements in divorce proceedings.

Our key benefits include:

  • · Dedicated ILA team able to meet transaction deadlines
  • · Competitive fixed fees with no hidden charges, typically between £150 to £350 plus VAT
  • · No completion of document, no fee policy
  • · Video or in person meetings available
  • · Online forms, signatures and payment

For a free discussion and no obligation estimate in respect of your ILA requirements, please do not hesitate to contact Kelly Pragnell on DDI: 01489 864 109 or E-mail: Kelly.Pragnell@lawcomm.co.uk