Do I have to attend Court?

Do I have to attend Court?

Written by

Bill Dhariwal

June 8, 2018

Do I have to AttendCourt?

If you have a dispute that needs resolving it can be daunting,nerve-wracking and financially prohibitive to attend Court.  So, do you have to go to Court? The shortanswer is no.  Alternative DisputeResolution (ADR) is any method utilised for negotiating a settlement withoutthe use of Court proceedings.  However,even if you have issued Court proceedings you can still enter into ADR with theagreement of the other party or parties. There are various forms of ADR, some of which are detailed below, togetherwith the advantages and disadvantages of each; but as a general rule, ADR isless stressful and more cost effective than Court proceedings.
If you would like moreinformation on how best to settle your dispute, please contact Bill Dhariwal (, 01489 864 117) or Heather Sterling (, 01489 864 148).